Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Happiness Project


Since I am reading the book by the same name...and one of my goals for 2010 is to take more pictures (with my brand spanking new camera Darren gave me for Christmas!)... it seemed just too perfect to pass up the opportunity to join in Leigh's Happiness Project. The point is to take a picture of something that makes you happy and to post it once a week.
This week it's a shot of our dog, Toby.  He makes me crazy, but he makes me so happy too - he's so funny!  He does this thing with his eyebrows!  And being a basset, he's always got a soulful look.  When he was a puppy (we got him at 5 mos old from a rescue group) I wasn't sure he was going to survive to become a "good dog!"  He ate anything and everything, he was untrustworthly to the core!  But now that he's 4 he's finally "grown up" and is truly a "good dog!"


w said...

oh man. toby is adorable!

comin' at ya via leigh's mr. linky.


What a face. Looks like he might be able to get away with everything!

leigh hewett said...

What a cutie! Just looking into those eyes brought a smile to my face.

Please come back next week and join in the Happiness Project again. You are officially part of my posse now. Rather you like it or not!