Friday, October 10, 2008

Cars and more

Darren and Josh changed the spark plugs and wires on Darren's Saturn the other day. Josh did most of the work with Darren just telling him how to do it. Josh was so excited. Darren even let him drive the Saturn down the street and back (while sitting beside him of course!). Josh is now back to wanting to be an auto mechanic. Who knows... I could have my car issues all taken care of me for the rest of my life ;-)

The kids are enjoying their classes. Ellie added in an art class and Rylie joined the Odyessy of the Mind class. Wednesdays are busy but fun!

Josh has been loving his parkour class. He's not as sore now as when he first started - and it's amazing to see the progress that's been made in a month!

We had some sad news today. My uncle, Bill Mohr, passed away during heart surgery. He would have been 83 in January. He was much loved and will be missed by many all across the U.S. It was another life lesson, but one we don't want to experience too often. The kids are handling it ok.