Saturday, July 4, 2009

Garage workshop in process!

Our neighbors moved last weekend into a much smaller home, one where they don't need to do the maintenance - which is a good thing as health challenges have caused much concern for them the past few years.

In the process of clearing out their home, they had ALOT of woodworking tools, lumber, a very nice workbench, etc that needed a good home. Ali wanted his things to go to someone who would appreciate them, so he offered them to Darren and Josh. He'd seen them working in the driveway on many a project and thought they would appreciate all he had to offer.

Boy do they ever! They moved everything over - which took several days to get it all here. The workbench is installed. It had been wired directly into their fusebox so Darren had to remove it from that and then break it down to get it out of the basement. Once back at our house with it put back together, Josh attached a plug to the wire so it could be plugged into an outlet. He's been reading all sorts of electricity books lately and was happy to have the opportunity to put it to use!

The garage is looking wonderful. Several projects have already happened at the workbench, and Darren is in the process of cleaning/organizing the garage so they will have usable space (and still have room for the bikes, scooter, Razor scooters, and toys. I'll post pictures when it's all done!

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