Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday Happiness Project


Today's picture is actually two pictures - I couldn't decide between them, so I chose - both!  They are both from this weekend - 63 degrees on the time/temp light on Saturday, and discovering that the tulips are starting to poke through the ground on Sunday!  Both of these make me EXTREMELY happy!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Farm field trip

We went to a homeschool family's farm today.  They raise prize winning cows (I can't remember the name of them - but I'll find out!) and chickens and live on some wonderful land near the airport.  The kids got to see new calves (the newest was a week old), bulls, the heirloom chickens and climb all over haybales.  We lucked out - today was 58 degrees and sunny!  The wind was a bit cool, but it was so nice to be outside!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Happiness Project


Since I am reading the book by the same name...and one of my goals for 2010 is to take more pictures (with my brand spanking new camera Darren gave me for Christmas!)... it seemed just too perfect to pass up the opportunity to join in Leigh's Happiness Project. The point is to take a picture of something that makes you happy and to post it once a week.
This week it's a shot of our dog, Toby.  He makes me crazy, but he makes me so happy too - he's so funny!  He does this thing with his eyebrows!  And being a basset, he's always got a soulful look.  When he was a puppy (we got him at 5 mos old from a rescue group) I wasn't sure he was going to survive to become a "good dog!"  He ate anything and everything, he was untrustworthly to the core!  But now that he's 4 he's finally "grown up" and is truly a "good dog!"

Year 2010 50+ Reading Challenge

I've taken up the challenge to read 50+ books in 2010.  It started Jan 1st so I need to go back and list the books I've already read.  I'll create a list on here by the end of the weekend!  I'm going to see if any of my kids want to join me in the challenge!  It should be fun!