Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ah, fall at last!

After a busy busy summer, it's nice to settle back into some "normal" routine. This past week our Wednesday Co-op classes began. Rylie and I are taking sign language, Ellie is taking drama and explorations in astronomy, and Josh is doing drama and Odyessy of the Mind.

This is Ellie's first experience with "homework." She was sent home with a notebook she was supposed to decorate, and also a page about "her" planet (Jupiter). She immediately went to the computer when we got home and looked up facts about Jupiter. We learned alot! She "loves!" this class - funny how it is one she said she didn't want to do when it was time to go to class. I asked her to just give it a try and now it's her favorite!

Josh and Rylie are also doing math this year through Teaching Textbooks. It's all done on the computer and they are moving right along. I expect them to be finished with this grade level by the end of the year (Josh) and probably by Feb or so for Rylie.

Our schedule seems to be set in our minds now... so we can just relax and follow along - at least for awhile!